Tuesday, September 7, 2010

i wear a demeanor made of bright pretty things.

It's great working in an office where people want to know what you did over the weekend, but not when you're someone who consistently blanks on that question.
"Good Morning, Jenna! How was your weekend?"
"It was great, thanks!"
"What did you end up doing?"
"..........Great question. I don't remember. Let me get back to you."
It WAS a good weekend, though. I've been a bit disconnected because the hard drive on my Macbook died and i've been either using my work computer or Elisa's computer for email and such, so not really keeping up with my normal blog-o-rama. But that has been fixed, and I shall now share, in great detail that no one will actually be interested in, what exactly it is that I did this weekend.
Friday night was taco and hang out night at Becky's new place with lots of new Gordon Conwell friends...it was awesome to have good food and get to know some new people. Activities involved eating, talking, and walking to the beach. A brilliant evening.
Saturday I got b*fast with Sara, she helped me go get my Macbook fixed (wonderfully simple and free because I have AppleCare, but also a little sad because it means I lost everything on my old computer), we wandered the mall briefly, said hello to Miya and family, scoped out an old building that is for sale (always on the church hunt), and went back to her place to steal Josh's guitar. Sara time is always good time in my book.
Then I planned some more for worship before finding the deal of the century. I've been wanting a chair for my room for the longest time, and this weekend I finally found the perfect one. Leave it to Savers to SAVE the day. (I crack myself up) It was $25 and it's green and brown and perfect for my room. Then I got a $25 full sized bookshelf, something every grownup needs, and threw a party. Actually, I joined some others for a party of playing trains. We're addicted to Ticket to Ride.

Sunday I woke up and built my bookshelf, rearranged my room, prepared for worship, and went to church. It was my first Sunday as the new co-worship leader. This is a transition that has been brewing for a little bit of time, but is actually something i'm now able to share about clearly.
After lots of prayer and decision, we're making a shift at the harbor to a transitional period of myself and josh booth co-leading the worship ministry. josh will be handling mostly the sound aspect of things, training other sound people, leading occaisionally, etc. I will be seen more on the musical end of things, planning and leading worship this week. It has definitely been an interesting few weeks of processing and praying about what this time could look like after coming out of a time of such exceptional worship pastoring from sturg, but i'm excited that things are finally somewhat "set" and we can sit back and dream and scheme for a while. now that things are pretty more in place, i'm feeling  the freedom to get excited and really vision-cast for this season.
So that was church Sunday - I introduced a new song and met a new baby, and then we hung out at my house afterwards with Chinese to bid Sheralynn goodbye. The crazy fool moved to california yesterday. so pumped for her adventures.
Yesterday, i slept in nice and late before Elisa and I drove to Maine. We went up to the LLBean in Freeport, wandered the outlets a little bit, took some silly photos, wandered down to Portland to do the same thing, then stopped at her parent's house for beach pizza on the way back home. It was a gorgeous day and i'm hoping I got some ok photos.

i like this one.

We didn't even go inside. After the LL Bean outlet, we just wern't all that impressed. But we DID need a picture with the boot. 

Portland, ME.

Portland and LLBean.

Now back to work. Back to the daily grind. lol - students are all coming back, orientation is this week, and i'm excited to keep meeting new people. Dash's wedding this weekend, and Navigate starts up on Wednesday.
i love life.

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