Monday, March 28, 2011

life support.

I have a confession to make.
Ok, maybe not a confession, but an adendum.
A correction?
Some clarification, perhaps.
Things that I was not able to share before, but am able at this time to share.

Not only am I raising support for India, but also for my LIFE.
Well, half of my life.

You see, friends, I am making a pretty sizeable life transition this summer into part-time ministry at my church, the harbor. I've been leading worship there for quite some time now, and both my role and my passion for leading this community in worship have been steadily increasing, especially since the fall. I am so in love with this community. It has been the biggest blessing to me since moving here in the Fall of 2008. And I am so in love with Jesus and leading others in worship. So this summer, I will be transitioning out of my full-time job and into a part-time role at the harbor, plus a second part-time job that is yet to be determined. And this part-role at church involves support raising - like a missionary, only my mission field is right here. Let me share with you my thoughts in this new, exciting time of support-raising in my life.

The following is a visual guide through some of my emotions during this season. Yes, in this order, and because kids display the best emotions.

Thank you for joining me on that roller coaster ride of emotions.

If you would like to receive one of my newsletters - even if you just want to hang it on your fridge because it's pretty and has pretty pictures (no really, it's very visually appealing, i'm quite pleased) and offer up the occaisional prayer for this madness I am embarking upon - just shoot me a line and I will get one right to you.

And as always, the music is still available for download.