Friday, July 8, 2011

out of hiding

i've been MIA - and i'm sorry.

I did this thing called travelling for 27 straight hours to a place far away called India. Then I travelled back after 2 weeks of chicken tikka masala, learning to be the rickshaw master, praying for people, seeing healings, playing worship music in clubs, inviting people to know Jesus, and i didn't even get sick - until i got home.

maybe i'll post pictures soon, but i'm still super processing. i dont really know how to "post" about a trip to india except to say that i loved it, God is good, and i was ready to come home.

now that i'm home, i'm back to working at the seminary. i'm in my same office, but working a new part-time position which currently is providing more full-time hours as i continue to train in the new job and train the new person in my old job. I'm trying to pick up scattered babysitting jobs in the meantime, and i'm officially on support with the church starting this month. but i'm only at 30% - pray.

my car was out of commission for almost 2 weeks. i came home to it not running, had a sketchy mechanic neighbor take a look at it and misdiagnose it, got it towed to my local mechanic, who also misdiagnosed, charged me for a minor repair that it also needed, and had me tow it to the dealership. i passed on that offer and got it towed to the saab specialist who sold me the car. he made two very expensive repairs, and a week and half later, i'm now reunited with my old, sometimes faithful saab, Amadeus.
car stuff stresses me out. i dont have money to buy a new one. and my credit card has taken a few big blows this year on repairs to this one. but God provided awesomely generous friends for a week and a half that were willing to drive me places or let me borrow their cars. I am well looked-after, and so thankful for it. now let's just pray i dont have to talk to another mechanic for a loooooong time.

the fourth of july weekend was awesome.
a day in rockport and brackenberry beach with elisa and angela = more sea glass than i've ever found.
playing music at the highland bean supper/folk festival = fun and a possible offer to play music at the topsfield fair
leading worship with a 56-youth choir, then getting in a car with j and liz to connecticut.

connecticut was so refreshing. i'm still kind of reeling in thankfulness and awe of chill time spent with friends, of an absolutely gorgeous setting, of camping outside, up close and personal fireworks displays, walks on the beach with liz, watching the boys do silly things at the beach, and just resting my soul a little bit. i'm just so thankful for friends and for where God likes to take me.
so thankful.

this weekend includes, but is not limited to, making a baby shower cake and a bachelorette party.

23 Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.
Ephesians 4:23-24

Currently baffled that this is possible - maybe more thoughts later. :)


  1. pictures! stories! I want to knowwwwwwww! (in due time, as your process, of course) :)

  2. so glad you made it there and back safely! I wish we could sit down over coffee and talk about it face to face :(
