I didn't even get an interview.
And that's ok - it's sad, but it's ok.
I'm totally ok with staying where I am a bit longer if that's what God has. I can handle a full time nanny job for another year while I finish Navigate. That's not the struggle here. I just find myself to be frustrated. I don't understand why so many seemingly great job opportunities have come my way and led me to believe that they would work out, only to flop at the last minute. I know without a doubt that this is not the heart of God, but I feel jerked around. I know that isn't His purpose in all of this and that He sees every detail that I can't. He knows so much more than i'll ever understand. But I can't help feeling like someone is messing with me.
I've contacted the families that I interviewed with about full time nanny jobs to see where their decision making process is - but for now, it looks like i'm going to keep up the part time shuffle until I leave for this trip, and join the club of people coming back from North Africa without jobs. Yes, we're starting a club. There seems to be a significant number of us making that bold move. (ack!)
Here are some pics from the 3 on 3 tournament this weekend:
and here's a song that will hopefully make you as happy as it makes me.
lets make music on a train.
I like that song a lot =) Thanks =)